3. Good Health
Navigating a new healthcare system can be daunting, especially when it differs significantly from what you're used to. Moving to France, you'll encounter a multi-faceted system where costs can vary based on your circumstances.
Unlike systems where treatment is entirely free, you might find yourself responsible for part or all of your healthcare expenses. This guide aims to demystify the French healthcare system, providing essential information to help you plan and prepare. Understanding the complexities beforehand is crucial, as this will allow you to focus on your well-being and that of your loved ones when medical needs arise. We also address common concerns, such as communicating with medical professionals in a foreign language, and practical solutions to ensure a smooth transition and peace of mind.
In the book, you can expect to find chapters covering:-
When you first arrive
How to get started, how to find medical professionals and register in the system.
Appointments and visits
Doctors, hospitals, clinics, teleconsultations, A & E. How to find a medical professional and what to expect.
Long term illness
Regular treatment, what is an ALD?, being a patient, care and treatment at home, options for the elderly, losing a loved one, invalidity and disability and medical debts. All the practical elements of what is available and how to access it.
The structure of the health system
The ethos of prevention, health insurance, the pharmacy, social workers, health schemes, disability, financial assistance, alternative care, and donation. In this chapter, we try to add some order to the system and explain how the system is structured and what this may mean for you.
Practical information
Emergencies, language, scams, and discrimination. All the things that no one tells you about. This chapter covers some of the pitfalls you may encounter and how to avoid them.
CPAM, Ameli, MSA, URSSAF, CHU, SAMU, MDPH, Emergency Services. The who’s who guide to the French healthcare system and its financing bodies.
Translations and checklists
A comprehensive list of medical translation and related subjects along with a checklist of documents you may need for visits and contact forms for medical professionals and next of kin.
Feel the pulse of health care in France with this 202-page guide.